Sven Boltenstern Goldschmiede
3D printed fine jewelry
Marie Boltenstern
Indirizzo directions
Schliessmanngasse 15, 1130 Wien, Austria
Orari di apertura

Nach Vereinbarung

»When the body and the object blend into one, the human being becomes a sculpture.«
Marie Boltenstern, Wien


„Jewellery is architecture in its smallest form. Just by thinking in multiple dimensions it is possible to realise designs that are incredibly complex and at the same time simple and light.“ Marie Boltenstern, architect and 3D specialist, combines her passion for maths as well as for computer-based design with the experienced goldsmiths in her in-house workshop. This results in innovative products that can only be realised through the interplay between history and a vision of the future.
The family business, which was founded in 1964 by artist and goldsmith Sven Boltenstern, is a pioneer in direct precious metal 3D printing.
The new technology is used to create designs that have never been feasible before and offer a new dimension of individualisation: each piece is first programmed in 3D and then melted together layer by layer from gold powder. This means that all objects can be made to customer specifications.


Sven Boltenstern - goldsmith, sculptor, designer and musician - is already a living legend. In the 1960s and 70s he was one of the pioneers in modern goldsmith's work. He was given the "Diamond International Award" and granted membership in the London-based "Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths". He has lived and worked in America and in different European countries and has had much noted exhibitions all over the world. He has always been in close contact and inspired by other artists. Flowing curves and sculptural elements as well as the use of bold colours characterise Boltenstern's fascinating pieces of jewellery

unique and individual jewellery made from 18ct gold

Sven Boltenstern always tries to impart a maximum of emotion and drama to his jewellery. It should fit the body of the woman who wears it, and transfer the creator's passion and vision to her.


- necklaces
- bracelets
- earrings
- rings
- sculptures and objects


Meisterstrasse Selection

Galleria immagini



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